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S$188.00 通常価格

In recent years, it has been miraculously reprinted and is a rare sake prepared with the Kumamoto native species "Homase" in the Edo period, which was naturally grown by farmers on their own farmland and the Kikuchi River system.


The gorgeous aroma reminiscent of bananas and pine, the benefits of the land unique to the land, and the nuances of the diversity of microorganisms such as yeast overlap and echo as a complex taste, and it is a unique sake.

"Homasu" is the Edo Higo rice of the native species of Kumamoto that has been revived in recent years. In 1830, it was seeded in Higo Province (present-day Kumamoto Prefecture) during the Edo period, and was actively cultivated throughout Kyushu, mainly in Higo Province. At the end of the Edo period, it recorded the highest price many times as "the best rice in the world" at the Osaka Dojima Rice Club. In 2017, farmers in Kumamoto Prefecture succeeded in reviving cultivation from only 40 seeds.

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